Saturday, June 2, 2007

We are learning so much in class. I am struggling to find the time at home to play with all the cool gadgets. I know eventually I will igoogle and such, but right now I am trying to absorb information.

Creating a Wiki page about Freedom was fun and I found myself wanting to make it appealing to others. It seems there is a different sense of ownership when you know anyone can look at it. You want it to be the best it can be. I wonder if students feel this same way. It seemed to make it more important knowing that it could be viewed by others outside of the classroom. Oh if only that wiki page had stuck around long enough for someone to look at it....
The mystery is that we have no idea where it went...poor thing is bouncing around in cyberspace with no where to land :(

Our advocacy project is moving right along. We have all of these great ideas, sometimes the wording of them is the difficult part. I really enjoy working in groups and think it has helped me retain the information presented.


Bill Warrick said...

I searched and searched, Kristen... No luck... :( Maybe you'll find the time to recreate it. Sorry that you had that experience...

Pete said...

It stinks that your wike page is like the Muppets, "Lost in Cyberspace." but it siometimes is a good thing for that to happen. It makes it easier to relat to the frustration that others (teachers and students) have when working with computers. It seems to always happen to the most apprehensive users that there is some sor tof problem but it is good to be able to relay to them, that we have the same problems.